Unmarried And Separated Parents of Ireland
A support group for parents in relationship difficulties

Article 41 and 42 of the Irish Constitution recognise the family as the most important social unit within the State. The State guarantees to protect it and pledges to guard with special care the institution of marriage. The State also recognises that the parents are the primary and natural educators of the children.

Categories of Separation

Deed of Separation:

This is a Document of Terms and Conditions to live separate and apart that have been agreed either through a Mediated agreement or by the Parties themselves.

Judicial Separation:

Is where the Parties have initiated an Application for a Judicial Separation and the Application is before the Court for the Judges Decisions on All relevant Division of the Family, Access, Custody, Maintenance, Property Adjustment and Pensions Adjustment Orders.


Divorce, which came into effect in 1996, terminates all relevant attachments of the parties including Property, Pensions, Inheritances, Maintenance and Access to Children.


Annulments are granted on different categories and they are,

  • Concealment
  • Inability to sustain a Normal Marital Relationship
  • Duress and Undue Influence
  • Lack of Capacity
  • Lack of Consent
  • Non-Observance of Formalities
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